You're a witch if I've ever known one...
What's 4 years between friends?

Thursday, December 18, 2003  

One more reason to love the holiday season...Self has completed their next record and are streaming B-sides until the release. Visit to fill your stockings (psst...also, if you go to the Singles page of, you can download the first single from the record - Grow Up).

and in time for the last minute shopping...the Oliver Future on-line store is completed! visit here to give the gift that keeps on giving. So many g's, I bet you think I'm a thousandaire...

Went for my yearly chiropractors visit yesterday. Two things: a) I do believe in the healing arts of structural alignment and (gasp) energy work, and b) I do expect a certain amount of skepticism and eye rolls from friends and people who think I'm a quack.

But! I go once a year, sort of like a physical...for me, that's all I need. When I go, I drop into a meditative state; between being asleep and being awake...and my mind has strange visions that I write down. Yesterday I saw:

the state of Virginia flying across the map; right to left, the arrow part was...well, like an arrow.
Jiffy Pop popcorn

Also, while lying on the table, I realized that my Left arm is longer than my Right.

You know...after reading this, I would think I was a quack too...and that they are putting something in that tea they give you before your session.

posted by Colby | 12:09 PM

Sunday, December 14, 2003  

I'm seeing my first significant snowfall in Chicago and despite the cynics...I'm excited. There's a park across from my house that I'm about to run and mess around in the snow.

Caught the last 30 minutes of Low at an old theatre on Friday. It may be an unfair comparison, but I hear Ida in a lot of the songs and arrangements. Also strange, the venue felt like we were watching the show in someone's living room; the stage and lights were short and squat, people were sitting on the floor with strange card games. But! They played a rendition of "Blue Christmas" that is irresistible.

For a quick laugh (if you have high-speed), check out this "End of World" animated story about how a nuclear exchange would REALLY unfold. The French people are everyone's favorite.

Be good...listen to some Steve Earle and forget the negative press, ok? He's being a patriot for saying what he really believes and feels. Admire and respect that.

posted by Colby | 3:49 PM

Thursday, December 11, 2003  

Since you're on-line anyway...why don't you take a look at some if this press:

Austin American Statesman

Austin Chronicle

Aiding and Abetting

2 locals and 1 zine - we are very appreciative...especially 2 months before the "official national release." There will be a feature article in a music magazine, not in Texas, that corresponds with the release...information coming very soon.

CD release show was a wonderful evening. Lots of people losing their damn minds and buying records. Oh...and staying up until 6 in the morning lighting things on fire at the after-party. Thank you to This Microwave World for opening the show and being friends to the end.


After waiting 11 months and 8 days...I went to the cinema. I saw something that was released, not too long ago...and my excitement of being in the theater actually skewed my opinion of the film - until this morning. Lost in Translation is very engaging cinematically. The story is well written, until the - and I hate this word, but there is no word to describe it better - denumoant...the turning point. The ending is fantastic; the music is outstanding (except for the use of Peaches - but I understand why she uses it in that place in the film); I can overlook some of the bad dialogue..but come on...

the lounge singer? Singing "midnight at the oasis" the morning after?

I liked the Virgin Suicides...very accomplished first film (as director). This movie was more engaging...better visually...better characters...more meaningful connection. Which makes the shortcoming that much more disheartening. And it may just be American cinema of this genre that's victim to this self-sabotage. Another film I rented and suffered the same was Igby Goes Down. And again...the turn suffers at the act of... this...(Girl Igby's in love with, sleeps with his brother - film turns south. The fella Charlotte befriends sleeps with the lounge singer - film turns south.) Maybe I just hate seeing infidelity so much the reaction turns my opinion of the film?

Nah...both those films went to downhill pretty much by themselves - they all need something sour for the "plot change" and sleeping around is as good a sucker-punch as any.

So...i'll do some more, read some more press and get excited for snow and Santa. uuooo...and Strongbad. This one's my favorite...

posted by Colby | 12:57 PM

Wednesday, December 03, 2003  

Being a sometime Northerner...I forget how quickly el Sol disappears up here. It makes me feel rushed...uneasy. To fight off that feeling this winter...I've taken up a hobby. I'm going to fix and re-build a 1940's Emerson electric fan. I have always been a fan of the fan; since my great-grandmother used to put me down for naps in her guest room with a General Electric humming me to sleep. There's equal chances of success or failure - but I can tell you: the motor runs, the blades turn (slowly) and all the parts are accounted for, prior to the dismantling.

At some time in your life, you need to drive I-10 from Jacksonville, Fl to San Antonio, Tx, just so you can listen to AM 1260 - WBRH in Baton Rouge. If you're lucky, you can pick up the station just outside of Pensacola...and hear the best in true old school rhythm and blues, boogie and swing music...all the way to Beaumont. I guarantee those miles will fly as you have a dance party in the front seat.

All is set for the Oliver Future CD Release Party this Friday at Stubb's BBQ. This Microwave World will open...and an after party will be announced at the show. Oy!

posted by Colby | 12:26 PM

Monday, December 01, 2003  

Want to earn back that piece of excitement missing in your life? Take a road trip. I went on 2 in my two weeks of vacation and have never been more satisfied. Many details to come.

The Oliver Future In-Store at Jupiter Records was a big success...sources tell us it was the largest crowd ever for an In-Store at their location, and here are the pictures to prove it:

Thanks to everyone who showed up and supported the band...we all appreciate it very much!

Please don't forget the CD Release Party, this Friday at Stubb's in Austin, Tx. Come see This Microwave World set 'em up and Oliver Future knock 'em down.

More to come...and check out this press from the Ft. Worth show.

posted by Colby | 2:33 PM